Gaia Soma Apprenticeship

Earth Wisdom// Body Wisdom

We need nature because we are nature, and we seek out the elements in order to heal and remember our wholeness.

The Gaia Soma Apprenticeship is an invitation back into the source of your peace and power. It is a year to transform your relationships— how you relate to your body, your people, and your world.

Root into Nature

Ground into the harmony of the elements and awaken the memory of your indigenous ancestors by connecting directly with the Earth’s rhythms as we journey through the seasons. We hold a sacred and powerful memory of reciprocity in our bones, and it is the key to a new way of relating to ourselves and each other. Apprentice yourself to Gaia.

When you come into deeper intimacy with the Earth, your joy expands and your reverence for Life deepens. The sacred mysteries of life come alive in very tangible and meaningful ways. You see the world through fresh eyes, and everything shifts.

The Gaia Soma Apprenticeship is designed for people who are aching to make a deep shift in themselves and have a heart for service in the world.

It is a set plan of consistent experiences that orient and empower you to work in deep communion with the seasonal cycles of our planet, whether you are in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere.

The course is divided into four three-month sessions in which all the materials are delivered online. You will study one element per three-month season, and the entire Celtic Wheel of the Year with the four elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth are covered over the course of one year.

Mentorship Content

Gaia Soma is a series of Four seasonal classes which run for a full year and includes:

**Monthly 1:1 Individual Mentoring Sessions with Erin (NEW THIS YEAR) stands alone at a $200 value

**Live Zoom Monthly Community Circles facilitated by Erin (NEW THIS YEAR)

~Monthly Talk ~

  • 45-minute recorded session on the specific energetics of Earth Wisdom for the month, an herbal recipe, practices in nature, journal topics and the monthly Celtic Tree. (3 per season)

  • 15-minute recorded introduction to the specific zodiac moon signs of the month

  • BONUS: Introduction to Moon Magick Mini Course (15 minute recording, supportive handout on the phases, and a guided meditation for the dark moon)

~Meditations ~

  • 20-minute Elemental Journey (1 each season)

  • 20-minute High Holy Day Guided Meditations (2 per season)

~Guidebooks ~

  • Introduction to the Wheel of the Year as a .pdf

  • Elemental: Air, Fire, Water or Earth (1 each season)

  • High Holy Days of the Season (2 per season)

~Practices ~

  • Sacred Crafts

  • Guidelines for Setting up Seasonal Altars

  • Intention Nature Walks

  • Breathing and Movement Exercises

  • Seasonal Herbal Recipes

  • Application and Integration through Service Projects

The Elemental Structure


Air in the East (February-April)

Celtic Wheel of the Year: Imbolc, Ostara (Equinox)

Mental Body; Nervous System;

Voice, Spells, Power of Words; Breathing Practices


Water in the West (August-October)

Celtic Wheel of the Year: Beltane, Lammas (Summer Solstice)

Energetic Body; Cardiovascular System; Sensuality and Sacred Union

Visualization Practices with Sacred Geometry


Fire in the South (May-July)

Celtic Wheel of the Year: Lughnasadh, Mabon (Fall Equinox)

Emotional Body; Endocrine System

Developing Intuition; Dreamwork


Earth in the North (November-January)

Celtic Wheel of the Year: Samhain, Yule (Winter Solstice)

Physical Body; Skeletal System

Manifestation; Ancestral Connections


$3333 for the full year


paid via Venmo or Zelle